A must see forum for Aussie bloggers!
Aussies, and bloggers, can be really nice people Put the two together and
you have the potential for a wonderful community.At Aussie Bloggers, we are passionate about blogging and helping other Aussies do the same. But you don't have to be an Aussie to join the forums, all nationalities are welcome here. If you are
interested in blogging at all then join us in the forums today.
Unlike other forums out there on the web, questions are welcome and you
will find lots of friendly Aussies willing to help. Helping out mates is part of
the Aussie way, after all.One aim we have for this forum is to gather a range of
Aussie bloggers who have skills over different blogging platforms and social
media sites to help provide information and advice to other Aussies who are not
as experienced.
Let's face it, the blogosphere is a really big place! We've
enjoyed connecting with other Aussie bloggers and the friendships we've formed.
We hope these forums will make meeting other Aussie bloggers much easier.We want this to be a happy, helpful place where advice and networking occurs in an non
threatening and collaborative environment. Nastiness won't be tolerated.If you
are a ridgy didge, fair dinkum, true blue, dinky die Aussie who is already
blogging, or thinking about it - then you've found a new home. Welcome!
I have just registered for this fourm, and already it looks to be a treasure trove of info! Ill be bookmarking this one for sure.
Juno - Movie mini-review
Just went and saw Juno on the weekend, and I must say, I was very suprised and HIGHLY enjoyed the movie.
Doctor's Opinion
The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said ,'Things are great and I've never felt better.
The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story.
'One day he was setting off to go hunting. In a bit of a hurry , he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun.'
He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the magnificent creature.
Zero punctuation - Crysis
Love this guy's witty video reviews, so I had to post this up. If you havent already seen it, enjoy more of the magic that has made this guy the leader in the video review field!
Go here for some more Zero Punctuation reviews.
2:08 PM | Labels: funny, games, internet, review, video | 0 Comments
If you liked this post, buy me a beer!The List - Watch / Download Full Movies online
Over the past few months I have been compiling a list of lists, containing websites that allow you to watch or download full movies - for free.
In no particular order, I give you the list. I will continue to update it as I find more sources. Enjoy:
Online Video Guide's top 100 movie sites - First up is a website dedicated to ranking the top online movie / TV sites. This list is far from Comprehensive though, but it is a good place to start.
Bedroom Media - Shoddy design (as most of the sites in the list), but a lot of links to full length, streaming movies.
DivXtube - This site has both streaming movies and TV shows.
FilmHill - Over 1000 streaming movies, this site deserves to be on the list.
Free Documentaries - This is a very comrehensive documentary website. If there is a doco you want, its most likey on this site.
A compendium of 150 Monty Python Sketches - OK, so not really what the post is about, but who can pass up all those Monty Python sketches?!?
120 movie / TV sites - Another really good list of sites to download or watch movies online.
Kazoop - Top 10 free movie sites, and also has a top 3 pay to watch sites.
Monty Python Video Wall - Yes, I am a Monty Python fan, and yes, this is an awesome site.
Real TV Links - As the website says, just click to watch. Most movies are streamed, divided into parts for longer movies.
FanCast - Massive list of full length TV series. Great website.
MyTheatre - Over 500 movies and TV shows.
Smashing Telly - A video website with a focus on "Documentaries and Factual Television".
Snarf Movies - More online movie goodness.
Surf the Channel - Huge database of online TV shows. Chances are, if it's on TV, its on here too.Throw out your TV - A MASSIVE list of free online video sites. Give this one a look also.
TV links - Streaming - A huge list of streaming movies. This website has many of the lesser seen movies available.
VideoStored - Good list of Anime, Cartoons and TV series.
TV LinkSquid - List of movies available online.
Find you Fix - Another great movie streaming site.
Update:Gax Online - A huge list of websites to view and download TV shows.
100 reviewed movie websites - This is a really great list, containing 100 movie download / streaming movie sites, with mini-reviews on each website.
TV Links now - Good looking site to watch full new-release movies online
I must comment on the content of the websites. I do not, in any way condone the illegal downloading of movies from the web. None of the content has been added by myself, or been hosted on this blog.
If anyone has any extra sites they can recommend, please leave them in the comments, and ill update the list accordingly. This is a growing list, so keep checking for regular updates!
10:00 AM | Labels: internet, links, movie, TV, video | 3 Comments
If you liked this post, buy me a beer!Do you want Goldeneye on the XBOX 360?
Tons of Freeware Games!
There is a common misconception that freeware games are dodgy and boring, but im telling you now, there are some gems around. Below are some websites containing lists and links to freeware and abandoneware games. Enjoy...
Tigsource forums best Freeware list of '07 - This is a great list, containing links to all of the free games, arranged into categories, with awards given to the best of the best. If you only go to one link on this post, go to this one.
1up's 101 Free games of 2008 - This is also another great list, with many categories to satisfy anyone's game fetsih.
Free Games for Windows - An amazing list of top quality free games based on category.
Game giveaway of the day - This is a unique site, offering free games, with a twist. The website offers the game free, however they are only valid for the day they are released. I check this site daily to see if any interesting games pop up.
Top 10 point and click games - Im a big fan of the old point and click adventures, having grown up playing the broken sword and Monkey Island series, so these are a must play for me. A great list.
Play your favourite 1980's video games - Old School Nintendo, Sega and arcade games, not much more to say...
Orisinal Games - These are just online, browser based games, but I had to include them in the list, they are exceptionally well designed puzzle and action games.
These lists should give you more than enough gaming goodness to see out the next week or so :) As I come across more good free gaming sites in my travels, ill be sure to share them.
So im learning how to do Macro shots
If you havent been reading, I have just purchased a camera, with which I am diving head first into the world of photography. I have never been really into the whole photography scene, but im hoping to change this as I learn.
As you can see, the camera I am using is far from professional material, but it is perfect for a learner. I have most recently been playing with the macro settings on the camera, trying to take some good macro shots. I have since learned that lighting is paramount to taking good macro shots; poor light ruins the photo, too much light washes the subject out completely.
Below are some macro shots that I have taken. Some show how too little light ruins the photo, but others I am happy with.
My favourite is the picture with the circles. Its from a book im reading. I think it turned out pretty good! Its a learning process for sure, so feel free to give me any hints or tips that may help me to take better macro shots. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
New Indiana Jones Screenshot
So far it looks good, but im not sold. Ive seen many a promising release go down the drain, dumbed down by crappy storylines and even crappier run-of-the-mill actors. I must admit though, after seeing Shia LaBeouf in Disturbia and Transformers, and despite the Disney shows that he has done, I like the actor he is becoming. He seems to be maturing well into the massive roles he is now finding himself in.
Anyways, enough about that, have a screenshot:
Click for a bigger version.
More can be found at http://www.indianajones.com/site/index.html
Its linky time!!
You ready for the days hit of top quality (barf) links?!?!?!? Well here you go:
Best of Digg 2007 - This is a collection of the best images of 2007 from Digg. Really interesting list.
Crayon Physics Deluxe - You REALLY have to see this one. Really great representation of physics engines in use.
Microsoft touts high-tech grocery cart - Yet another piece of technology that is finding it's way into our everyday life, adding to the ever increasing ubiquitousness of computers in society. But is it such a bad thing if it helps us?
12 Crazy old ads - I always like reading these things. It amazes me how much society's view has changed over the past 50 years or so, particularly in regards to women.
Awesome picture - Just who is the superpower here?
Blogger beaten to death by Chinese Government officials - Not much to say, really.
Amazing Nintendo collection - Yes, I like Nintendo, but this...wow
Enjoy! More coming soon...
How to hide a RAR file in a JPEG image!
Just came across this gem of an article, perfect for anyone wanting to hide some 'personal' material ;)
The following are step by step instructions on how to store and hide a RAR file in a JPEG image:
1. Place your RAR file and a JPEG file into the same directory, say, C:\stuff.
2. Open a Command prompt window. (Start > Run > cmd).
3. Navigate to the directory your RAR file is in, in this case, you would type cd c:\stuff
4. Type in the following command: copy /b input.jpg + input.rar ouput.jpg
Input.jpg is the image that you want displayed, input.rar is the file you want hidden, and output.jpg will be the name of the image file produced.
Done! When someone double-clicks the jpg, it will show as a normal image, but if you open it with winrar or a similar program, the RAR file will be displayed!
The below image is one I created. Simply save it to your computer, and open it with your image editing program first, then open it with a RAR program (Winrar etc) to see the magic!
Source: http://www.fiddyp.co.uk/how-to-hide-a-rar-in-a-jpeg-file/
As always, credit goes to the original author of this article.
Cult movies
Currently I am in the process of purchasing and watching all of the movies I have vowed to watch, but just never got around to it. These movies are mostly the cult movies of the 70-80-90's, which I was either too young or not interested enough to watch at the time.
At the moment I have a list which I am slowly breaking down, buying, watching, storing away for the next time I feel nostalgic and want to pull them out again...
Over the next few months I will post small reviews and thoughts on the movies I watch, to hopefully give an idea of why these movies became cult classics in the first place, and to see whether or not they can still be classified as classics to fresh eyes 20 years on.
Just this morning, while waiting to go to work (shift work :) ) I watched Trainspotting, a grim but fun movie about heroin addiction and life.
A rather gritty trip through the bowels of Edinburgh, Trainspotting follows the "life" of a heroin addict, Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor), as he battles with drug addiction, women, family and friends.
McGregor plays a fantastic role, keeping me hooked on the character from start to finish. Through this great acting, we are given a detailed and personal insight into the life of a drug addict.
While the movie is based around drug use, it somehow remains impartial to the ethics and morality of drug use. I didnt get the feeling that the director was trying to condemn or condone the abuse of drugs. It was a very refreshing take on the subject.
I must comment, however, on the rating of the film. This is not for the faint of heart. It isnt over-the-top gory or anything like that, its just a very influential and real film. By all means walk into this movie with an open mind, but not too open...
Best part of the movie: Swimming in the toilet...
Worst part: Spud's bedroom accident
Cult movie?: Im no movie conesseuir, but hell yes. McGregor plays an excellent role, the story isnt always there, but is always real and raw, and the underpinning of humour to the entire film makes it a joy to watch. This is a film I could watch several times, which is the essence of what makes a film a cult film.
All I want for Christmas!
Just recieved this year’s xmas present:
A Ricoh Caplio R7 in Black.
Looks to be a great little point and shoot camera. Cant wait to test it out. I had a tough choice, I was looking for a thin, mid range P&S with good zoom, and it was a toss up between this and the Canon Digital IXUS 860IS.
The Ricoh got the nod due to it’s better zoom.
Heres a couple of reviews, which helped with my decision:
Trusted reviews
Photography Blog
My personal review and sample shots coming very soon, once I work out all the fiddly bits :)
Hello, from yet another blogger lost in the crowd
At first, I thought I was an anomoly. But now im not so sure...
Im an IT support 'dood'. My day is spent in front of or in the bowels of a computer, computing away, for lack of a better word. I have never been 'obsessed' with computers, or games, or the internet; I have just been good at what I do.
Yet I have never found blogging interesting, in even the slightest way. Dont get me wrong, I have the knowledge, and the time to create a blog, its just that I cant find anything to write once I start a blog (yes, this isnt the first attempt, but it is the first serious one).
I mean, in the huge world of blogging, I will be lost within it, I know that, but I can still try. Heck, I probably have missed the 'it' time for blogging, but who gives a shit.
As you can probably tell from the title, this blog is basically about whatever I want it to be, from a range of different things. But you will most likely read ramblings on the following categories:
Anything technology related
Cars (Australian mostly)
Golf (which I am slightly obsessed with)
Photography (just found this interest)
From time to time, I will make various posts, from reviews to personal thoughts, to photos, to funny or interesting links. Please, stick around, ill make it worth your while. (wink wink)
I hope I get some (any) readers that will enjoy this blog as much as I have enjoyed creating it!