Do you want Goldeneye on the XBOX 360?

Its a suprisingly hard question for me personally. I loved Goldeneye, one of the best games I have ever played, definately in my top 3 favourites. But I can help feeling like Microsoft should leave this classic alone. I know they probably wont change anything, except maybe some controls due to the XBOX controller, but there is still something that doesnt sit right with me.

The game was the 64's flagship after Mario, and easily the best game released on the console. I feel it's greatness will be somehow tarnished by being released onto XBOX live...

But on the other hand, damn I want to play this game again. After I rooted my 64 controllers (all of them), I havent pulled the 64 out for a long time. It would be great to play Goldeneye multiplayer again... Ahh the memories...

Gamespot have an interesting article regarding the possible release, as the fight between Microsoft and Nintendo rages - Link

It seems however, that a lot of people want this game released, and a few proactive individuals have created a petition, demanding the release. In the majority of cases, I believe petitions do squat, but it cant hurt to try for those people that want to play it again.

For now, I am going to respectfully sit on the fence with regards to this issue. I havent signed the petition, and I dont intend to. But we will see what happens sooner rather than later, and either way, the gamers will be the ones to win... Long live Goldeneye.