Its linky time!!

You ready for the days hit of top quality (barf) links?!?!?!? Well here you go:

Best of Digg 2007 - This is a collection of the best images of 2007 from Digg. Really interesting list.
Crayon Physics Deluxe - You REALLY have to see this one. Really great representation of physics engines in use.
Microsoft touts high-tech grocery cart - Yet another piece of technology that is finding it's way into our everyday life, adding to the ever increasing ubiquitousness of computers in society. But is it such a bad thing if it helps us?
12 Crazy old ads - I always like reading these things. It amazes me how much society's view has changed over the past 50 years or so, particularly in regards to women.
Awesome picture - Just who is the superpower here?
Blogger beaten to death by Chinese Government officials - Not much to say, really.
Amazing Nintendo collection - Yes, I like Nintendo, but

Enjoy! More coming soon...