mmmmmmm - Yummy cracker....Wait....What?

Background info:

Our company is owned by a Japanese company, and hence we have many Japanese visitors to our site. While on site, one Japanese man brought us some Japanese Crackers, all the way from Japan (funnily enough).

No worries, I thought, after lunch snack. That is, until I turned it over:

What the freak is that? A stay fresh packet? Jeebus, I hate to think how old that cracker is. Looks like it could be as old as me... Probably not a health risk, just turned me way off it.

Im not the only one, I see that every desk still has the cracker sitting on it. Im sure as hell not going to be the first to try it.

Its still sitting on my desk, ill eat it if I get 15 comments daring me to do so...


Liz said...

Hello! I won't encourage you to eat that. It might be stale. Blog hopping from the Big Bang Explosion Meme. Have a great day!

Mommy's Little Corner

Anonymous said...

*chuckles* I guess I am the eevil one.... I dare you (I know I am cruel arnt I).

Perhaps you can just have a widdle taste?

Reece said...

Thanks for the comments, only 9 more dares to go!